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About / Bio

Laura Crate

Executive Coach

Laura, a seasoned Life & Leadership Coach, is driven by her passion for uncovering the divine spark within each individual she encounters. With a deep-rooted belief in client-centered coaching, Laura considers it a privilege to walk alongside others on their transformative journeys, embracing the unfolding narrative of God’s work in their lives.

Her unwavering commitment to personal and professional growth fuels her dedication to both her own development and that of her clients. With over two decades of marriage to her husband Paul and the joy of raising two daughters, Laura’s life experiences enrich her coaching practice.

Originally from Maine, Laura made the pivotal move to Texas in 2013. Her years of service in the local church, spanning roles from worship leader to pastoral ministry, have instilled in her a profound appreciation for authentic community and the creation of nurturing spaces where genuine belonging thrives.

Coaching has been a consistent thread in Laura’s life journey. From her earlier days as a Health Coach and Personal Trainer to her present focus on empowering organizational leaders to excel in their work and leadership, Laura’s commitment to her coachees’ goals and visions remains steadfast.

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